Desde el Puente (From the Bridge)
Friday 26th May, 2017 → Sunday 11th Jun, 2017 Days: Sun, Thu, Fri, Sat

The Manny Fried Playhouse
255 Great Arrow Ave. Buffalo, NY 14207
Time: Fridays & Saturdays 8:00 l Sundays 6:00pm
Cost: $20 general l $15 students
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A one-act festival in tribute to local community leader, activist and writer Rafael Perez, celebrating Latino stories. The show will feature a bilingual series of 10 one-act plays which offer stories that are culturally specific and relevant to the Latinx culture. These one-acts encompass the Latinx experience in this country including issues of struggling with Latinx identity, the importance of traditions, finding empowerment by overcoming struggle and religious influences on family dynamics. Desde el Puente will feature works that are dramatic, comic and seriocomic with language ranging from mostly English with light Spanglish up to full Spanish dialogue.
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