Joe Diebold
Saturday 13th Jan, 2018 → Sunday 25th Feb, 2018

Time: 10am-5pm
Cost: Included with Botanical Garden admission - $11 adults, $10 seniors (62+), $9 students (13+ with ID), $6 Kids 3-12, members and kids 2 and under are free!
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Arcangel Gallery Exhibit - 10am-5pm - Included with Botanical Garden admission - $11 adults, $10 seniors (62+), $9 students (13+ with ID), $6 Kids 3-12, members and kids 2 and under are free!
Joe is a local photographer who specializes primarily in Wedding, Family and Nature photography. Joe and his wife started visiting the Botanical Gardens as a way to escape the cold winter weather and they fell in love with its beauty. Joe has been photographing different exhibits for the past few years and his photography was featured in Under the Dome, the Botanical Gardens newsletter this past February. He hopes to bring visitors joy as they see the Botanical Gardens through his eyes. Go to for more information.
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