22nd Niagara Celtic Heritage Festival & Highland Games
Saturday 16th Sep, 2023 → Sunday 17th Sep, 2023

Niagara County Fairgrounds
4487 Lake Ave. Lockport, NY 14094
Time: Saturday 10am-10:30pm | Sunday 10am-6:30pm
Cost: $12-35; kids 12 & under free
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Saturday, Sep 16th
Sunday, Sep 17th
Everyone's welcome at the 22nd Niagara Celtic Heritage Festival, the largest Celtic festival in Western New York. Celebrate the wonders and pageantry of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and more during a weekend of family-friendly fun. Enjoy Celtic music, dancers, athletics, clans, food & drink, living history, attractions, artisans, and special events. Niagara Celtic offers 5 music stages, 2 event fields, ceremonial fires, our Saturday Evening Ceilidh Celebration, and a unique (and Free!) kid’s area, all within 5 regions bursting with fun. Join us on Sept. 16 & 17 at the Niagara Fairgrounds in Lockport, NY. Tickets $12-35; kids 12 & under free. Visit NiagaraCeltic.com for ticket discounts, the event schedule, lodging and all festival info.
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