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Hawk Creek Wildlife Center
Inspiring Minds Through Wildlife

1963 Mill Rd
West Falls, New York 14170
Tel: (716) 652-8646

Opening Hours

Open for special events. See our web page for details.
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Every living thing on our planet has a purpose - fulfilling the Circle of Life.? At Hawk Creek Wildlife Center, our mission is to educate, empower and preserve so that we will all thrive together. We inspire minds to become environmental stewards and conserve wildlife to fulfill the circle of life for generations to come.? 

Hawk Creek, founded in 1987, is one of the largest accredited nonprofit raptor centers in the East and receives no government funding. Located in East Aurora, New York, the Center houses a diverse, global collection of raptors and wildcats. We are uniquely poised to provide engaging, meaningful up-close encounters through flying bird shows and animal interactions for varied audiences. Through our exceptional education programs, we instill respect for nature and her laws and promote stewardship of our planet.  In addition, we support endangered species through our collaborative partnerships and vital breeding programs. We have received many international awards including one by National Geographic. 

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