Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Friday 26th Apr, 2019 → Sunday 19th May, 2019

Irish Classical Theatre Company
625 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Time: Thursdays and Fridays at 7:30 PM | Saturdays at 3 PM and 7:30 PM | Sundays 2 PM
Cost: $20 - $45
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Hamlet by William Shakespeare
April 26- May 19, 2019
Directed by ICTC Guest Director Kate LoConti
To Be or Not To Be?
One of the most iconic tales of the classical canon is told as the world of Shakespeare returns to ICTC for the first time in nearly 20 years.  In this slick, innovative and reverent production, a cast of ten breathes new life into this tale of loyalty, honor, friendship and betrayal as the Prince of Denmark is charged by the ghost of his father to avenge his heinous murder, driving him to the brink of madness. ICTC audience favorites Anthony Alcocer, Kristen Tripp Kelley, Chris Kelly and Matt Witten star.

Curtain Times:

Thursday-Saturday Evenings @ 7:30 PM

Saturday Matinees @ 3 PM and Sunday Matinees @ 2 PM

Call ICTC's Box Office to order tickets @ 7168534282 OR order online @https://tix5.centerstageticketing.com/sites/irishclassical/

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Irish Classical Theatre Company

The Loved Ones
February, 14 → March, 2
Days: Sun, Thu, Fri, Sat
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