Letterpress II (2 sessions)
Wednesday 20th Aug, 2014 → Wednesday 27th Aug, 2014

Western New York Book Arts
468 Washington Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Time: 6-9:30pm
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This workshop builds on the foundation of Letterpress I. Students will focus on type setting, problem solving, and multi-color layout and registration. They will also learn tips and tricks that can help speed up the process of creating a print-ready form. Workshop participants will build more complicated forms and become proficient in make-ready. The final product will be a two-color card, broadside, or poster. 
Instructors: Jodi Hamman & Christine Gallisdorfer 
Pre-payment is required for all workshops at WNYBAC. You can pay online, by phone, or by mail. If you would like to send a check, please email info@wnybookarts.org to let us know. If you would like to pay over the phone, please call 716-348-1430.
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