IN Balance | Sooth and Release: Sleep, Movement, and Diet Six-Week Series
Monday 9th Apr, 2018 → Monday 21st May, 2018
Days: Mon

Time: Mondays 6:00 - 7:00pm
Cost: $165
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A new 6-week series focused on teaching you how to use sleep, nutrition, and movement to create a more balanced lifestyle. Hosted by Root and Rise Ayurveda. 

Having a hard time falling asleep at night? Feel stressed? Issues with digestion? Feel overextended? Feel critical of yourself or others? This class is for you. In this class we will not take ourselves too seriously. Laughter is welcomed! We will move the practice out of our busy minds and  into our physical bodies. We will use our exhalations to let go of built up frustration, anger, and stress. There will be lots of twisting postures and side openers for creating space within our bodies and minds. The class will end with a relaxation and a breath focused meditation. Suitable for those with a pitta constitution, anyone who is needing to pacify a pitta imbalance, or anyone during the summer and early fall season.

In this series you will recieve 7 yoga classes, one hands on cooking class for your mind-body type, and a workshop called Spring Metabolism Tune Up.


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