North Buffalo Farmers Market
Thursday 2nd Jun, 2016 → Thursday 27th Oct, 2016 Days: Thu

Local, Seasonal, Farmers Market
Our Mission:
To improve local food security while supporting the local farming and small business community. The market strives to provide access to locally grown fruits, vegetables, and other products, while creating a sense of community.
Our Motto:
Shop Local - Support Farmers - Eat Well - Celebrate Community
Our Beliefs:
Choosing to eat locally is more than a trend, it’s a healthy way of life.
Eating local means
- you have access to nutritious, fresh foods.
- you know the farmer that has produced your food.
- you are being environmentally responsible as you choose to eat without imposing a large carbon footprint and choosing from local farmers who are environmental stewards of their land.
- you are being economically responsible, as the dollars you spend on food are kept in circulation within our local community.