Buffalo Electrified Trolley Tour
Saturday 26th Sep, 2015

Forest Lawn
1411 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NY
Time: 10am - 3pm
Cost: $65 includes tour, transporation and lunch
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Step back in time to 1901 and visualize Buffalo showcasing the newest modern technology-electricity-the first in the world to be transmitted from so far a distance (Niagara Falls) via direct current. This sets the stage for the city hosting the Pan American Exposition that bore witness to the assassination of president McKinley, stolen exposition monies hidden in the basement of a Delaware Avenue mansion and hidden secrets of some of the most powerful movers and shakers that helped organize this historic event. Learn about the plans and intrigue that electrified the “city of light”! Lunch at Doug's Dive is included in this tour. Tickets are $65 per person (or $52 for members of the Forest Lawn Heritage Foundation) for this five-hour tour. The tour begins at the Margaret L. Wendt Archive and Resource Center located at 1990 Main Street. 





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